Get Flying with Better Printing Options

Small business owners know that the deck is sometimes stacked against them for one reason or another.

In many cases, smaller-run companies do not have the financial capital that their bigger brothers and sisters do. As a result, they oftentimes have to try and do more with less.

That said there are ways where the smaller guys and gals on the block can put themselves in position to better succeed, one of which is their printing efforts.

From business cards and brochures to bumper stickers and flyers, there are myriad of ways by which smaller businesses can spread their brand’s message.

So, are you ready to get flying with better printing options?

Make Your Message Count

If your small business is dealing with a tight advertising and/or marketing budget, you should not let that hold you back from being successful.

For starters, if you’re thinking about doing any flyer printing, brochures, even bumper stickers for consumers to advertise your brand on their vehicles, settle on a quality provider.

While there are numerous printers out there, your small business needs to find one who not only delivers quality printed products at good prices, but also can deliver when you need the goods.

As an example, maybe your small business is one of the prime sponsors of your community’s Fourth of July Parade.

In order for you to advertise that fact, get your company’s name and contact information out there, and ultimately land more business because of it, you need to have all the printed materials in your possession in time enough to properly distribute. If you go to a printing company and they tell you they can deliver your order a week before the holiday, they better live up to their word. If they end up getting the materials to you the day before the event, you’re stuck with having to scurry at the last minute to get the word out on your end that you are one of the prime sponsors.

Another item to keep in mind is where exactly will you be distributing those holiday flyers?

Now that summertime is just around the corner and schools will be out, you have one less venue to advertise and promote the fact that you’re heavily involved in the community’s big Fourth of July event.

That said you can use the fact school is out to your advantage.

Kids typically hang out at malls, the beaches (if your business is in a coastal town or nearby the beach, don’t miss out on spreading the word), parks, movie theaters etc. As a result, these areas should get attention from your flyers.

As for adults, they sometimes have to bring their kids to the above-mentioned destinations, so they can see your flyer information too. Also remember to post flyers and other printed information at places of work, giving adults the opportunity to see and read about the event.

Socialize the Printed Word

With all that in mind, you should also utilize social media when looking to spread your printed message.

For example, look at Facebook.

You can take a snapshot of your flyer, post it on the world’s most used social networking site, then sit back and watch as people come across it.

One of the goals of doing this is creating conversation on your company’s Facebook page.

As visitors to the page learn about your role in sponsoring the Fourth of July parade, it does several things.

First, it shows that your brand is involved in the local community, something which typically gives you bonus points with area consumers.

Secondly, the dialogue you’re creating when people see the flyer allows you to then pitch them (don’t make it a hardened sales pitch) about your products and/or services. Next thing you know, you may have some new customers come out of this.

And how did this happen?

Simply by the fact that you had a well-done flyer printed up for your business.

When you take the time to print your message to consumers, you increase the odds of gaining new business, allowing you to increase that revenue stream.

What small business wouldn’t want this?

About the Author: Dave Thomas covers small business topics on the web.



