Tag: technology

By David Wolf / February 4, 2016

Don’t Let Hackers Lock You Out of Business

In the world of small business, those running companies must deal with daily decisions, decisions that sometimes can mean the difference between a winning business and one that may ultimately have to post a closed sign on its doors sooner rather than later. Small…

By David Wolf / January 1, 2016

Have You Developed Backup I.T. Plans?

Great apps are rarely built in a day. But when your development team doesn’t take the necessary measures to back-up their work, great apps can fall apart in a day. It’s easy for consumers and those on the app building side to take technology…

By David Wolf / November 30, 2015

Downtime is Not an Option for Your Small Business

Is your small business at risk from downtime? Whether it’s your servers, your network, a business application or your internet access that fails, downtime can cause serious problems for your business. You don’t have to struggle with the threat of downtime. With care and…

By David Wolf / November 28, 2015

Branching Out with Distributed File Storage

Files have always been important to businesses of all sizes, but today, securing business files is more important than ever. In the past, business files were only destroyed on purpose, such as through a paper shredder, or through an accident or accident of malevolence,…

By David Wolf / November 18, 2015

Don’t Invite Disaster to Your Small Business

When disaster strikes at your small business, it’s important to be prepared on a number of different levels. Ensuring your employees are safe and your business data is recoverable are just some of the preparation steps your business should take. Here are just a…

By David Wolf / November 2, 2015

Don’t Take Your Tech Systems for Granted

No matter what type of business you run, and regardless of its size, it is bound to rely heavily on technology. Everything from cash registers to web servers to lawn care equipment utilizes technology, and it can be easy to focus on certain aspects…

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