Did you just finish your book? Congratulations! Now, like many new authors, you may be waiting for your big break.
Well, while you wait for that publishing house, editor or producer to call, here are a few tips to help you get through these trying times while being productive.
• Do freelance work.
You’ll want to continue to improve your skills… so keep writing. Check with your local newspaper, or find neighborhood organizations that pay for submissions to their newsletters or magazines.
Also, research online for groups that may be interested in what you’re writing, and offer to prepare an article specific to their needs. You’ll also find freelance work at sites like http://www.elance.com/, http://www.craigslist.org, http://www.guru.com/emp/index.aspx, and others.
• Consider teaching a class at a local adult education or community college program.
You might be able to set up an entire program yourself and teach something extremely focused in your area of expertise.
Or, you can branch out and discuss a topic you feel passionate about. You’ll be energized sharing your knowledge and increase your credibility as an author at the same time. Check with your local college, university or library to get started.
• Work as a volunteer somewhere that will help you promote your book.
For instance, if you’ve written a book about art, volunteer a couple hours a month at a local gallery. Perhaps you can develop a joint reading activity or event relative to your book that offers benefits for both parties?
To start, check out http://www.thevolunteerfamily.org/Volunteers/Default.aspx?gclid=CPD6zJ3igJsCFRYiagodFH66eQ, http://www.volunteermatch.org/ and your local phone book.
Now is the time to get out and promote yourself and your book. Don’t be shy. After all, you are your best cheerleader. And while you work on your skills, spread the word and generate interest for your book, your phone just may start ringing.
Do you need help selling your self-published books? Please contact me here or at http://www.jexbo.com. I’d love to hear from you! Thanks.