Want to create your own destiny? Well, today, we interview self-published author, international speaker and publishing coach, Patrick Snow of http://www.CreateYourOwnDestiny.com and http://www.BestSellerPublishingCoaching.com. Check out what he has to say about successful self-publishing…

Tell us about your book.

”Creating Your Own Destiny” was originally self-published in July of 2001 as a 10 chapter, 140 pages soft cover book. Today, nine years later, I have published nine consecutive editions of the book with new content. As a result, today it is hard cover, 320 pages, and 16 chapters. The book has been featured as a cover story in USA TODAY, has sold over 150,000 copies, has been translated into five languages and is now an international, best-seller. Recently, John Wiley and Sons have purchased the rights of this book (via a two book deal) and will republish the book in spring of 2010.

Why did you decide to self publish?

I made this decision because I had no other choice. After 300 volunteer speaking engagements between 18-26 years old, I knew that if I was ever to turn my passions for speaking into a business, I knew that I needed publish as book so that I could successfully market myself as a professional speaker.

After getting some early rejections from both agents and publishers, I realized that self publishing was my only option.

What has been your biggest reward as a result of self-publishing?

I have two that are both equally big:

1. My book has allowed me to become a highly paid, professional keynote speaker. Since 2001, I have been able to do 900 paid professional speaking engagements. This has allowed me to quit my day job five years ago and pursue this passion full time.

2. The success of my book has allowed me to become a publishing coach and help other speaker, coaches and entrepreneurs get published as well. As a result, I have helped over 150 entrepreneurs pursue their publishing dreams. And this has given me a lot of balance in life and allowed me to stay home more than many other speakers who have not developed additional streams of income.

4. What was the most challenging part of self-publishing?

Without question, the most challenging part has been the financial investment required to pursue this business. This is a very expensive business to get involved with, but if you do it correctly you can and will prosper. The other part of the challenge is to continue to believe in your self even when all others (including your family) tell you to give up on your business/book and go back and get a job.

What advice do you have for other self-published authors?

My best advice is to NEVER ever give up and spend at least one hour every day for the rest of your life promoting your book (I am talking about a 20-30 year book marketing campaign). Also, do everything you can to protect your seed money, day job income. This is an expensive business so definitely keep the day job until you are consistently making more from your book/speaking/coaching than from your day job. Again, I repeat NEVER give up!

Is there anything else you would like to add?
For more information on my book, “Creating Your Own Destiny,” visit http://www.CreateYourOwnDestiny.com. For more information on my unique self publishing coaching system including seeing covers and testimonials from actual clients, visit http://www.BestSellerPublishingCoaching.com.

Thanks for your inspiration and great tips Patrick!

Are you ready to sell your self-published books and have questions? Please let me know here, at http://www.jexbo.com, or at http://www.jexbo.blogspot.com/. I’m here to help! Thanks!
