Tag: taxes

By David Wolf / June 23, 2016

Is Your Small Business Becoming Too Taxing?

Your small business is likely the culmination of years of hard work, investment, not to mention some challenges too. That said running a small company can be just as difficult if not more so than those overseeing the big players. For one, smaller businesses…

By David Wolf / December 27, 2015

Rent Year-End Tax Strategies to Meet Your Business Needs

When running a small business, rental property can be a great investment if you manage it correctly. Renting out the property you own gives you a steady stream of income, and all you have to do is ensure that the property is maintained and…

By David Wolf / November 1, 2015

Accelerate Your Company’s Growth

How are your small business finances looking? Keeping your finances in great shape and planning for a secure financial future are two of the biggest challenges facing small businesses today. Getting your finances in good order is important for your small business growth. So…

By David Wolf / September 27, 2015

Is Being a Small Business Owner Taxing Your Efforts?

Being your own boss is the dream of many people across the world, and some make this dream a reality by striking out as independent contractors and/or running their own small businesses. An independent contractor is a professional who does not work directly with…