If you are having trouble selling your self-published books right now and simply surviving as a writer, don’t lose hope. Take action! Here are three things you can do now to enhance your writing career and prepare for better times ahead.
1. Consider teaching a class.
Think of something you’re good at and then check with local, adult-education programs or community colleges. Sometimes you can design an entire program yourself teaching something you specialize in… whether it’s writing, cooking, knitting, photography, or another area of expertise.
2. Do Internet searches to find places to sell your self-published books.
There are a number of magazines and newsletters that pay for submissions, but also consider those that don’t pay because your writing will still get exposure.
3. Don’t stop writing even though times are tough.
It can be easy to give up when things aren’t going well, but do what you can to keep your spirits up. Surround yourself with helpful friends who will encourage you. Keep writing. Then, when the economy picks up, you’ll be ready for success!
Do you have questions about selling your self-published book, comic, romance, fiction, or non-fiction work? Please let me know at http://www.jexbo.com. I’d love to help you market and sell your self-published books!