
Seizing Opportunities
By Maya Mahmud / September 7, 2022

Seizing Opportunities

An Interview with James Kalajian, President & COO of Jenkins Group Inc. We sat down with James Kalajian, the President and Chief Operations Officer of Jenkins Group Inc., a publishing service firm that established the first book award contest exclusively for independent publishers, known…

The Truth of Podcast Advertising
By Maya Mahmud / June 8, 2022

The Truth of Podcast Advertising

Truth is, there is money in podcasting. Since Audivita Studios began, our podcast roster has been ever-expanding. Now, we’ve added four new podcasts from Robert Kiyosaki’s enterprise, which sets the stage for the rapid growth of our network.

What’s So Great About Content, Anyway?
By Melanie Rembrandt / March 18, 2021

What’s So Great About Content, Anyway?

Content and Words Matter More Today Than Ever Before You hear all about how important content is everywhere you go. But, as a small business owner, you have things to do, customers to serve, deadlines to meet, and a schedule to keep. Do you…

By Melanie Rembrandt / October 8, 2018

How Do You Create an Editorial Calendar for a Podcast?

Get organized and see better results! Do you plan the content for your website and marketing with topics, SEO, deadline dates and more via an editorial calendar? Well, if you have a podcast, it’s important to organize when and what you are going to…

By David Wolf / January 14, 2016

Is Content Marketing Dead?

5 Steps to Avoid Losing Time, Money (and Even Your Entire Business) in a Crisis By Melanie Rembrandt of With new technology, the public relations (PR) process has changed. In the past, PR focused strictly on company news, press releases and the media….

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