For over 27 years, Alisa Gravitz has led Green America, the national green economy organization. The organization develops marketplace solutions to social and environmental problems with a key focus on tackling climate change, building fair trading systems, stopping corporate abuse and growing the green economy.

1. Take us back 27 years. What did the organization, then Co-Op America look like in its early stage?
2. Has the focus or mission evolved or is it principally the same as it was in the beginnings?
3. What is the scale of the organization in terms of staffing, local, and budget?
4. What is number 1, 2 and 3 on your radar right now in terms of your focus?
5. You’re the author of Green America’s Guide to Social Investing, with over a million copies in print and also the popular Guide to Community Investing. For listeners that might not know or are simply not yet thinking in these terms-what IS social or community investing?
6. Tell us about the event cycles and publications-let’s walk through them each if we can… Green Festivals, the Green Business Conference, National Green Pages and Real Green.
7. Green America operates the nation’s largest green business and green consumer networks. What is the Green Business Network and how does it work?
8. Give us your take on what’s happening in terms of the economic structural shift that we are experiencing-not only as a nation but as a planet. What can you say about the past 150 years or so and what it was about for us, and give us your vision for the new guiding themes we need to embrace going forward.
9. Give us the “color“of the climatic changes and trends-what do we not understand about the nature of the climate change and the pace at which it is occurring?
10. We’re sitting together in early June of 2010, top of mind is the BP disaster. How do you frame the impact of this event historically, and beyond that, is this a major tipping point for a potential range of new activities for Green America and for the planet?
11. You will be a featured key-note at the upcoming Slow Money event beginning on June 9th in Vermont. How do you characterize the importance of the Slow Money “movement” given the work you’ve been doing for nearly 30 years?
12. As a key note there—Give us a preview-what will be your main message?
13. Where can our listeners learn more about the work you’re doing at Green America and about how they can participate?

Contact Information: Green America
1612 K St., NW, Suite 600 W DC 20009
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