Author: David Wolf

By David Wolf / May 16, 2015

Self Publishing with

Our guest on this edition created a new way for self-published authors to sell their books and for readers looking for self-published authors to find them more easily. Jill Exler is the founder of—a new, affordable solution for both sides of the market.

By David Wolf / May 7, 2015

ReCARnation teams up with Enerpulse

Enerpulse CEO Lou Camilli and ReCARnation’s President Marc Powell talk about their new initiative to extend the life and performance of vehicles with Pulstar technology.

By David Wolf / May 4, 2015

How do I do my own public relations?

If you want to boost sales, awareness and credibility for your business, public relations is the way to go. And the good news is that you can do it yourself if you can’t afford to hire an expert. Discover quick tips to help you get free publicity on your own without wasting time or money.

By David Wolf / May 21, 2014

Sound Retirement Is No Small Task

With the lack of retirement plans available to small business employees, more people are transitioning back to relying on Social Security benefits and Medicare to fund their retirement needs.

By David Wolf / May 21, 2014

How are C Corporations Taxed by the IRS?

The IRS treats C corporations are separate business entities, meaning they are taxed at the corporate level rather than passing through to the personal tax requirements of a business owner, such as in an LLC or sole proprietorship.

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